The City of Fayetteville has updated the miscellaneous billing online payment website located at The new website will allow customers to pay invoices related to airport, trash and recycling dumpster rentals, monthly parking, and miscellaneous services. The new website will allow customers to pay for multiple invoices through a single transaction, ability to view invoice and payment history, enroll in recurring payments, and ability to receive invoices via email.
All customers will be required to create a new online account. Customers will need an invoice number, invoice billing date, and invoice amount to create a new online account. Customers who chose to enroll in email notification will receive a confirmation email from
Additional information on how to enroll is located at If you have questions about the new miscellaneous billing online payment website, please contact the City’s Accounting Division at 479-575-8281 or via email at
You will need the following information to setup a new online account (this can be found on your current invoice:
Invoice Number (start with 2021, leave anything in front of 2021 off)
Invoice Billing Date (this is also called Transaction Date)
Invoice Billing Amount